I have a new kind of article that I periodically want to write and post. There is a lot of controversy out there. It is very easy to get emotionally involved as it is our individual health and well-being that is put in question. Each side basically says that they are right and the others are liars. When you look a little closer, it can be very confusing, and who is right isn't easily discernible.. It takes a lot of time to study things like this out. So I would like to present the sides, what they say and list the sources I use. I will not tell you which is right, or which is wrong, but I will probably include 'my 2 bits'. I want to present a general summary of what is out there. I do not believe in following anyone or anything blindly without studying it out and making an informed decision. I realize I am heading into some risky territory here, but I feel that we as a people need information. Maybe you can take a certain subject where I left off in searching for answers. My request is that we are respectful of each other if there is a need to make comments, because with some of the topics it could get interesting.

I have always loved research. I fell in love with it when I had my speech class as a freshman in college eons ago. There was one paper/subject where I had to study both sides of an issue and present them. Also, the need to understand and study out has long been inbred into me from my experience of exploring the world as a homeschooler when I was a kid. As I continued going to college as an adult, this hunger for truth and knowledge kept me going. Recently when I was finishing the last classes in my Bachelors Degree I had to take this research to another level.
Some of the obstacles that must be overcome to find truth: Zealots and closed minded people, deceptions, research and statistics, grey areas, politics and propaganda, cover ups. These days, it is almost impossible to take anyone or anything at face value. Here is where my skills and love of research kicks in.
Yet even with this ability to research, can be nigh unto impossible to find who is telling the truth. Maybe no one is, maybe both sides are. You have to decide for yourself.
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